I Want To Start My Own Business Day

I want to start my own business!
Can you remember first saying it? Did you fully understand what you were wishing for?
What do you wish you knew back then?
Were you aware of what CEO really stands for? Its Chief Everything Officer – until you find the right people to help you manage everything.

What roles need to be performed?
Admin team – record keeping is a full time gig
Opera singer – shouting from the rooftops about the awesomeness of your business
Construction worker – building the customer base
Detective – working out where the money went
Santa – handing out Christmas gifts to your team and clients
Student – turns out there is a lot to learn about small business management
Social secretary – cos you always celebrate the wins
Copper – policing payment terms and outstanding invoices
Safety officer – well, small business
Human Resources Manager – You need a team to help with all of these jobs
CFO – someone needs to pay the bills and report to the tax office
And finally – Delivery driver – getting services to your customers and clients

We make it look easy, but there are plenty of traps for young players! Ask us to join your team


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