Be A Good Teammate Day

Small business really is a team sport – you can’t be the manager, pitcher, catcher, batter and cover all the bases at the same time!

Forming a great team of match-fit individuals is necessary. If you’re the batter, recruit the other players. You might think a couple of all rounders will do, but if you don’t know the rules of the game yet – you need seasoned professionals, not more enthusiastic amateurs and playmates.

Essential in your line up are finance professionals (Tax and BAS agent) to catch you from a dust up with the ATO and other government bodies.
A cheerleader to work your audience into a (buying) frenzy.
A manager could help manage the scoresheet admin and slice the oranges.
A coach (HR specialist) can help prevent fairwork injuries.
A referee (debt collector) can enforce the rules of play.

In any game, you need to play as a team – and that includes you as the business owner. You can’t play a good game on your own.
Take it one game at a time and business is the winner on the day. 🏆🏆🏆🏆

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