Category: Shameless Self Promotion

Nicole has been elected to SWAN committee!

This month Sydney Women in Accounting Network elected a new committee – Nicole Lynch is responsible for Marketing & Social Media!

What is SWAN?
Sydney Women in Accounting Network is an association to support women in accounting in Sydney to meet, network, connect and socialise.

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Happy 27th Birthday to us!

We’re celebrating our 27th birthday!
Happy Birthday to us!
That’s a heck of a long time supporting small businesses. Lets take a stroll down memory lane.

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Australian Made Week

Are you producing Australian Made goods, or services?
Promote it!
Our bookkeeping services are 100% Australian made by an aussie based team – locals supporting locals.
Buying Australian means that you’re creating local jobs, boosting the economy, and supporting your fellow Aussies.

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Its time to prepare for the end of 23/24

Looking for a few tips over breakfast?
Come join Nicole on Wednesday 29th May.

Tax planning needs to happen now – 30th June is too late!
Don’t go making crazy purchases without reviewing where you are at, and speaking to your tax accountant. EOFY deals are great for salespeople trying to meet their commission targets, they might not really benefit you and your business.
You can’t make sensible last minute decisions without data.
Speak to your experts before Financial New Years Eve!
And look at how to setup 2025 to be an even better year for your business!

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Easter 2024

The Streamline chicks will eggs-it the office at noon today and we’ll be back on Tuesday 2nd April.
Have an eggs-ellent Easter Break!

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Accounting Business Expo – What is in a name

Join Nicole & Myreeann at ABE (Accounting Business Expo) in Melbourne 20 – 21st March 2024!
They will be feature on the bookkeeping stage discussing: What is in a name?
Great if you are just starting out in business or thinking of a rebrand.
Come along to snaffle hours of free CPE, swag & product demos, and catch up with your industry peers.

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Accounting Business Expo Sydney 2023

This time next week it all kicks off!

Haven’t got your free ticket yet? What are you waiting for??
My session will be awesome, you won’t want to miss it at 2.30pm next Wednesday
in Theatre 4 with Julianna Nagy, Trent Yesberg, Tamara-Lee (Tam) Beveridge

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Book a FREE 15 minute accounts analysis

Lets chat about your situation


Book your accounts analysis

Your form will go here when you’ve created it

Accounts Healthcheck

Lets look at the details and make a full assessment